This section is under development:
Copyright Ole C. Östlund, Trondheim, Norway
Graduated Aeronautical Engineer from Royal Technical University,
Stockholm, Sweden 1970.
Cruising versus Racing
Yacht hulls increased under the 2nd International Rule compared to the 1st Rule. The yachts became more cruiser friendly with dry front deck. Cabin roof was not a requirement on an Eight Metre in 1919. This became a permanent requirement in 1928, although the freeboard on the Eight Metre increased during the period 1919 to 1928, and as such a cabin roof was not as needed as in 1919.
The inclusion of the Genoa jib in 1926 changed the situation. More sail created more healing forces. The in 1920 change in bow girth measurement resulted in sharper and narrower bows. The Genoa jib called for larger and wider bow sections with increased buoyancy. Most designers chose to keep the bow girth measurement down which again resulted in wet front decks less suitable for cruising. The situation overcome by the 2nd International Rule in 1919, reverted with the allowance of the Genoa jib without penalty in the 1926 Rule extension and 1928 Rule Amendment.
Many yachtsmen started looking for cruising design outside the R-rule formula. In Norway several one off designs for cruising hit the water in early 1930 ties. The wet front deck situation with genoa was partly overcome by change in bow girth measurement under the 3rd International R-rule in Oct. 1933. Nevertheless the situation in Norway in end of 1937 was that since 1930 eight (8) yachts 8mR and above had been constructed in accordance with the R-rule, and since 1932 twelve (12) yachts had been constructed outside the R-rule.
The first one was “Ilmen 4” owner Ludvig Svinndal 1932 then “Tamara 9” owner Halfdan Hansen 1933, “Solgang” R.Ugelstad 1934, “Irene 8” Eugen Lunde 1935, “Ilmen 5” Svinndal 1937. In 1938 one 12 metre CR owner Einar Stange, and four 10mCR owners Halfdan Hansen, Skougaard, Dannevig and N.N. 10mCR overall length 16 metres, floating waterline length 10.7 metres, beam 3.35 metres sail area 95sqm, displacement 14.5 ton including 8 ton ballast keel. Engine to be installed.
More seaworthy and offshore going yachts were demanded. This proved the need for a new and more cruiser friendly rule, a combined cruising and racing rule promoting high freeboard, greater beam and less sail area, similar to those yachts constructed in Norway outside the International R-rule.
As such I.Y.R.U. at their meeting in London in September 1937 decided to invite Royal Ocean Racing Club (R.O.R.C.) and national organizations in America, Scandinavia and Germany to come forward with their suggestions. A subcommittee within I.Y.R.U was established with members from Britain, Norway, Sweden, Germany and Netherlands. The committee to coordinate their work with N.A.Y.R.U. (North America Yacht Racing Union) for if possible find a common solution.
A meeting was held in Oslo on November 8th 1937 with yachtsmen from all Scandinavian countries present. The main question was if the International Rule could accommodate the need for less expensive and more cruiser friendly yachts, or if a separate rule was required. In America the Cruising Club of America developed the “Bermuda-rule”. In UK Royal Ocean Racing Club developed the R.O.R.C. rule. Germany developed their KR-rule.
Crown Prince Olav stated continuity was a matter of importance as when the 2nd International Rule was agreed upon in London 1919. The meeting concluded with recommending a committee to further look into the matter.
The committee chaired by Crown Prince Olav with members Johan Anker, Bjarne Aas, Halfdan Hansen, Eugen Lunde and Henrik Robert, presented their recommendation in spring 1938.
L is corrected length, S sail area, B beam, D depth, P displacement, A bow profile, C stern profile, F freeboard. For details ref. Seilas yachting magazine 1938 page 65 and 66.
A paper by Professor K. Ljungberg, Sweden, was presented at the I.Y.R.U. meeting in London on November 15th 1938. It was concluded that all documents had to be translated to English for further evaluation. This was very much the situation within Europe’s sailing nations leading up to 1939, when the sky again darkened due to political confrontation on the Continent.
In Norway the Cruising yachts had not been given any racing sail no. However they could measure in under the N.L. Rule (go to S-Rule 1926) and as such participate in racing. With increased number of unidentified yachts, the national sailing authority in Norway decided in 1938 that these yachts could be classified under the old Class identification letters E (12sl), F (10sl), H (8sl) and L (6sl), such as yachts with waterline similar to an Eight Metre were classified together with the old H and sH yachts (ref. Seilas yachting magazine 1938 page 33). Sail racing no listed under the H Class were H1-H20 for 1st Rule yachts and sH21 – sH38 for the converted and modified 1st Rule yachts (the Scandinavian S-rule of 1917).
The last sail racing no given under the sH classification was sH38 “Snarken” (ex Idyll III, ex Fandango 2, ex Danseuse, ex Siva, ex Verano II) owned by Knut Aspelin, Oslo, designed by Johan Anker, drawing date 27.09.1918 and laid down at Anker & Jensen Yard in Vollen, Asker 1919, yard no 223. Modified and commissioned to the 2nd International R-Rule of 1919, Certificate dated June 2nd 1920 with sail racing no 8N11, name “Verano II”. In 1922 classified as 1st International R as she was laid down in 1919 before the 2nd R-rule came about. When the old R and S Classes were joined together she was given the sail racing no sH38 as the last Eight Metre listed under the sH register, ref. KNS register 1933-34.
KNS yacht register 1933-1934
Racing sail numbers listed in the R-1907 and modified R-1907 (S-1917) Class.
The first Eight Metre Cruiser to be listed was H39 “Caramba III” constructed 1940 at Soon Slip og Baatbyggeri, designed by Knud Reimers. Other well known yachts listed and sailing today are H42 “Vinga 5”, constructed 1946, H45 “Carmen 4” constructed by Anker & Jensen in 1914 ( and designed by Christian Jensen, H51 “Lydia” constructed by Anker & Jensen in 1935 and designed by Johan Anker.
H and sH yacht register:
Sailing no as identification of racing yachts was introduced in Norway around 1917. Before then identification of yachts were by the owners flag in top of mast. Numbers listed in register are not chronological for when the yacht was laid down, but reflects when they are given racing numbers.
Eight Metre yachts commissioned to the 1st International R-rule (R-1907) were given Class identification letter H and individual numbers from 1-20.
Eight Metres commissioned to the modified 1st Rule i.e. the Scandinavian S-rule of 1917 were given a half sized letter s in addition, sH, and individual numbers from 21-38.
Eight Metre yachts commissioned to the 2nd International R-rule (R-1919) were given Class identification 8, national identification letter, for Norway N, and individual numbers from 1 to ....
Some yachts were commissioned to both the 1st Rule/modified 1st Rule S-Class and 2nd Rule Class in which cases both numbers are listed.
Race Sailing no – 1st Rule (R-1907) and modified 1st Rule (S-1917)
Please forward any information and corrections to
No Yacht names Year constructed, design by.
H 1 Juno - Pomona 1897 Larvik, Collin Archer
H 2 Ragni 2 1915 Asker, A&J
H 3 Bibbs – Magg 1916 Asker, A&J, J.Anker
H 4 Maud 2 – Teja 2 – Gjøken – Heikah 1908 Asker, A&J, J.Anker
H 5 Quinta 1914 Asker, A&J, J.Anker
H 6 Guri – Nina III – Boheme 1915 Asker, A&J, J.Anker
H 7 Garraveen – Eleonore 1914 South., Morgan Giles
H 8 Lars Kagg 1913 Gøteborg, W. Fife
H 9 Brita – Tere - Nadine – Nadja 1913 Gøteborg, J.Anker
H10 Liss 2 – Hazard 1910 Asker, A&J, J.Anker
H11 (8N16) Sans Atout - Atair 1908 Asker, A&J, J.Anker
H12 The Truant 1910 Fairlie, W.Fife
H13 Mossa II 1914 Gøteborg, Axel Nygren
H14 Taifun – Pan 3 1911 Asker, J.Anker
H15 Condor – Rigolo 3 1910 Asker, J.Anker
H16 Pingvin V – Shanty – Petrel – Te-Hå – Eker 1910 Rostock
H17 Ierne 1914 Fairlie, W.fife
H19 Lucie IV – Bror 2 – Magel 1912 Langesund, J.Anker
H20 Sarina 1912 Burnham, G.N.Laws
Modified 1st Rule (S-1917) racing sail no. laid down/commissioned, designer
For information on each yacht go to 8mS yacht data register. The first 8mS yacht given sail no was sH20 named Borgila GKSS. She was acquired to Norway and given new owners sail no sH32 named "Sif". Sail no H20 was given to 1912 8mR "Sarina".
sH21 Bobo II 1918 Bygdøy, Svenningsen
sH22 (8N1) Brand V 1918 Asker, A&J, J.Anker
sH23 Ariadne 1918 Københ, A.v.Lindholm
sH24 Pingvin IV-Tornado-Banzai II-Tamara VII 1918 Asker, A&J, J.Anker
sH25 (8N3) Apache-Boreas-Gaia 1918 Asker, A&J, J.Anker
sH26 (8N5) Hei-paa-dig, Encore, Rural, Stri, Vilja 1918 Asker, A&J, J.Anker
sH27 (8N6) La France, Lyn, Erle II 1918 Asker, A&J, J.Anker
sH28 (8N13) Baus II, Spurt IV, Arabella, Nøkk4, Njord 1918 Asker, A&J, J.Anker
sH29 (8N7) AljucaIII, TopII, ArabellaII, Sølvi3, Kråka4 1918 Asker, A&J, J.Anker
sH30 (8N8) Bidevind 1918 Fredrikstad, Bj. Aas
sH31 (8N17) Trolljo III 1919 Asker, A&J, J.Anker
sH32 (8N14) Sif,Borgila, Falken, Glunten, Solgang 1918 Gøteborg, Liljegren , nnote 1
sH33 (8N4) Rocambole, Revanche, Hennessy, Dudu 1918/1919 Asker, A&J, J.Anker
sH34 (8N9) Betty III - Inger – Madelon 1919 Asker, A&J, J.Anker
sH35 (8N10) Knabb, Cat-is-Land 1919 Asker, A&J, J.Anker
sH36 Anchen - Inghild 1919 Sarpsborg, Svenningsen
sH37 (8N15) Koh-i-Noor 1919 Asker, A&J, J.Anker
sH38 (8N11) Snarken, Idyll III, Danseuse,Fandango,Siva 1919/1920 Asker, A&J, J.Anker
Verano II, note 2
Note 1; sH32 Sif first racing sail no was sH20 "Borgila" designed representinf Sweden in the Kattegat Cup. She was sold to Norway and given new racing no sH32 Sif. Racing no 20 was gievn to 8mR (1st rule) Sarina.
Note 2; sH38 "Snarken" was the last yacht given S-no. She was laid down in spring 1919 with sail no SH36 before the 2nd R-rule came about and modified from S to R(new) before launching spring 1920 first certified to R(new) given sail no 8N11 and named "Verano II". Sail no sH36 was given to "Anchen". In 1926 "Snarken" named "Idyl lIII" was granted to sail in the combined R(old) and S Classs with a S-certificate although she did not comply with S measurement instructions of 1917. She was given sail no sH38.
Race Sailing Numbers – Eight Metre Cruiser Racers (8mCR) and other yachts given H sail no.
Preliminary listings subject to change.
Please forward any information and corrections to
H39 Caramba 3 1940 Son, Knud Reimers
H40 Krabat 3 – Tamara 11 1946 A&J Eftf.
H41 Arabella – Saga 2 1946 A&J Eftf., Chr. Jensen
H42 Gjøken 6 – Veni – Vinga 5 1946 A&J Eftf., Chr. Jensen
H43 Maylis – Graylis ( – Nirvana - Diva 1914 A&J, Johan Anker
H44 Pamina - Tempo 1936 Berlin
H45 Carmen 4 (8.5sl) - Mitra 2 - Siesta - Quickstep 1914 A&J, Chr. Jensen
H47 Niba 3 1913 Son, omb.1950,J.M.Iversen
H49 Knoll 1948 A&J Eftf., Sigurd Herbern
H50 Gro 8 1948 A&J Eftf. Herbern
H51 Lydia - Bobben – Sølvi 4 – Gåsungen 1935 A&J, Johan Anker
H52 Esprit 8 1950 A&J Eftf., Sigurd Herbern
H53 Vigdis – Natasha – Rosita – Dear4 1917 Son. Iversen, Chr. Jensen
H54 Penelope 1950 Kolbjørnsvik, C.Stephansen
H55 Kampala 1950 Skjeberg, Herbern
H56 Gro 9 Herberns baatbyggeri
H58 Skagerak 1940 Killingen, Herbern
H59 Bonjo 7 1952 A&J Eftf., CCS
H60 Arabella 5 1952 A&J Eftf., C.J.
H61 Veni 2 – Gro 10 1953 Skjeberg
H62 Sju – Attaque – Arcadia - 1917 Soon, Christian Jensen
H65 Brisxx – Carmensita III – Rigoletto - Morild 1956 Sarpsborg, Linge
H66 Trilby 1954 Drøbak, Herbern
H68 Karita 1957
H69 Sitra 1957 Linge
H71 NAP 6 1957 Linge
H72 Susan Constant 1957
H73 Esmeralda 1957 Linge
H75 Mikassa II (s) 1958 Hyen, Furuholmen
H78 Inger Ann II 1957 Drøbak
H83 Nikka III (s) 1961 Hagavik, Klingenberg
H85 Miss Dumpling (s) 1961 Hagavik, Klingenberg
H87 Miramar 1961 Ekstrand,, Øivinn Ruud
H91 Heilin (s) 1964 Hagavik, Klingenberg
H93 Henry II (s) 1962 Hagavik, Klingenberg
H95 Pingo (s) 1927 Brevik, omb. 1964
H98 Thekla (s)
Revision 21.12.2009

NFSU 1967 - N.L.class
sH38 "Snarken" has rounded the upwind mark,
in lead of her contenders sH28 "Njord" and H42 "Vinga 5".
Added: oco 08.02.2010
In Norway 17 Eight Metres was in 1920 commissioned to the new international R (1919) rule, valid from Jan 1st 1920 given the following sail numbers:
8N1 “Brand V” ex sH22 ”Brand V” Anker & Jensen 1918
8N2 “Sildra” new Anker & Jensen 1920
8N3 “Apache” ex sH25 “Apache” Anker & Jensen 1918
8N4 “Rocambole” ex sH33 “Rocambole” Anker & Jensen 1918, launched 1919
8N5 “Hei-paa-dig” ex sH26 ”Hei-paa-dig” Anker & Jensen 1918
8N6 ”Lyn” ex sH27 ”La France” Anker & Jensen 1918
8N7 “Aljuca” ex sH29 “Aljuca III” Anker & Jensen 1918
8N8 “Bidevind” ex sH30 “Bidevind” Bjarne Aas, Fredrikstad 1918
8N9 ”Inger” ex sH34 ”Betty III” A&J yard no. 220, 1919
8N10 “Knabb” ex sH35 “Knabb” A&J yard no. 221, 1919
8N11 "Verano II" modified sH36 "N.N" A&J yard no. 223, 1919, launched 1920, note 2 above
8N12 “Pandora” converted 9mR “Pandora” Anker & Jensen 1907, note 3
8N13 “Spurt IV” ex sH28 ”Baus II” Anker & Jensen 1918
8N14 ”Sif” ex sH32 ”Sif” (Borgila) C.O.Liljegren, Gothenburg 1918
8N15 “Koh-I-Noor” ex sH37 ”Koh-i-Noor” A&J yard no. 225, 1919
8N16 ”Sans Atout” ex H11 “Sans Atout” Anker & Jensen 1908
8N17 “Trolljo III” ex sH31 ”Trolljo” A&J yard no. 227, 1919, reconstr. 1920
Note: A&J means Anker & Jensen, designer Johan Anker. Yard no. 220,221,223, 225 and 227 were all laid down based upon Johan Ankers drawing dated 27-9-1918.
Note on 8N11: A&J yard no. 223 was laid down in 1919, owner Engineer Arne Blakstad and sail racing no. sH36. The contract with Blakstad was cancelled most probably due to the in summer of 1919 ongoing discussions on the revision of the R-rule. To what extent construction was completed is unknown, bled keel, bottom plank and frames were most likely in place with some planking. She is modified standing onshore spring 1920. Her frames are cut and extended widening her beam up front and aft the 55% measurement point from floating waterline to deck level, and she is outfitted with cabin roof and her new owner Eilert Sundt jr. gives her race sail no 8 N11 named "Verano II", first measurement certificate dated June 2nd 1920. The vacant sail racing no. sH36, is given to the last 8mS-yacht designed by Svenningsen 1919, to be named "Anchen"
In 1922 she is classified racing together with 1st R Class as she is International R laid down before 1920. In 1924 the R(1907) and S (1917) Classes are brought together and she is under the ownership of Knut Aspelin 1929-1935 named "Snarken" and given race sailing no sH38. In IEMA World Cup regatta at Hankö 1983 she races with sail no. 8N38 named "Snarken". Based on comprehensive research she is by her owner from 2000 Ole C. Østlund given back her first name and sail racing no 8 N11 "Verano II" as first commissioned with measurement certificate dated June 2nd 1920.
Chronological list of 8mR yachts first commissioned and launched to the 2nd & 3rd International R-rule given sail racing no in Norway 1920 – 1940. Amendments to the R(1919) rule made in force for the particular yacht noted as R(1921), R(1926), R(1928) .
1920 8N 11 “Verano II” Johan Anker R(1919) Anker & Jensen, modified onshore 1920
8N 2 ”Sildra” Johan Anker R(1919) Anker & Jensen, drwg of Jan. 1920
1921 8N 18 ”Brand VI” Johan Anker R(1919) Anker & Jensen
1922 8N 12 ”Bera” Johan Anker R(1921) Anker & Jensen
1923 8N 19 ”Ranja” Johan Anker R(1921) Anker & Jensen
1924 8N 20 ”Varg” Johan Anker Anker & Jensen
1925 8N 21 ”Hvide” Bjarne Aas R(1924) Soon Slip og Baatbyggeri
R(1919) extended from Jan. 1st 1926 - article 20 bow and stern girth exemptions for yachts designed prior to Jan 1st 1920 ended Dec. 31st 1925 - penalty for overlapping jib not included in measurement instructions from Jan 1st 1926, i.e. R(1926):
1926 8N 22 ”Rollo” Johan Anker Anker & Jensen
1927 8N 23 ”Irene VI” Bjarne Aas Soon Slip og Baatbyggeri
8N 24 ”Varg III” Johan Anker Anker & Jensen
R (1919) amendment of 1927 demanding cabin roof, max height of sail 17m (2xR+1) above deck, max freeboard “F” in formula, valid from 1.jan 1928 i.e. R(1928):
1928 8N 25 ”Noreg Johan Anker R(1928) Anker & Jensen
8N 29 ”Ibis” Bjarne Aas Fredrikstad
1929 8N 27 ”If” Bjarne Aas Fredrikstad
1930 8N 26 ”Silja” Johan Anker Anker & Jensen
8N 30 ”Anitra 3” Johan Anker Anker & Jensen (”Rat-Penant”)
1932 8N 28 ”Fenris” Johan Anker Anker & Jensen
R(1919) amendment of Dec. 1932 - max height of foresail on mast 3/4 (2xR+1)= 12.75m, - min weight of mast 145.1 kg
Oct 1933: 3rd. International R-rule - R(1933):
1936 8N31 “Viking” Johan Anker R(1933) Anker & Jensen
Sept 1937: Restriction on min beam in the 3rd R-rule was agreed by I.Y.R.U. made applicable for yachts laid down after Sept. 1937.2.44m for an Eight, max overlap on jib 0.5xR = 4.0m
1938 8N32 “Anne Sophie” Bjarne Aas Fredrikstad
1938 8N33 “Sira” Johan Anker Anker & Jensen
1939 8N34 "Fröya" Bjarne Aas Fredrikstad
Note 3: Sail no. 8N12 was in 1920 given to converted 9m "Pandora". When "Pandora" converted back to the 9 s.m. Class sail no 8N12 was given to 8mR "Bera" 1922.
(Update August 23rd 2010)
(Added on July 3rd and 26th 2011)